Girl forced with spider gag blow job
Girl forced with spider gag blow job

girl forced with spider gag blow job

The sound of footsteps are heard outside the room. Another chair is dragged from the opposite end of the room to directly in front of the captive. Recognizing the feeling of the chair she realizes they are in the upstairs spare guest bedroom. After a short lived life as a towel she is put down, this time on a chair. Thoughts of kicking is an obvious thought, however she didn’t want to be restrained to the point of being unable to run away. She is simply hoisted in the air and feels herself being draped over someones shoulder like a towel. In a futile attempt to slow her attackers down she drags her feet. The men pick up her body off the bed as if it was 100 pounds lighter. Emotions that she rarely ever feels being born in one of the wealthiest families in the nation. Helplessness and vulnerability fill her emotions. Soon, the same method of rope work is applied to her elbows bringing them even closer that they almost touch. She can’t combat the force on her arms that push her elbows up and together. An arm comes under her elbows and lifts them up making them draw closer together. Soon the sensation of rope wrapping around her elbows ensue. The girl feels her hands bound and realizes that escape is impossible. The rope is then passed in between the wrist wraps twice to tighten the bonds. Rope is wrapped around her wrists a generous amount of times. They pull her hands together palm to palm. The men quickly rearrange their hostage belly down like before. Understand?”ĭefeated and instilled with terror she nods in agreement. A lot of air is being used her from her rapid heart beating. She is suffocating… the panic settles in. This time her mouth is covered and her nose is pinched by her attackers.

girl forced with spider gag blow job

Realizing that there was no more effective gag the intruders grab the small female body and turn her back against the bed. She feels her arms being pulled behind her when she screams in fear. Kicking and thrashing the best she can is an automatic reaction. She is literally thrown onto a bed and is maneuvered so she is belly down. One of the invaders grabs a black blindfold and puts it on the girl. The blurriness begins to become a crisp image as she focuses on the wall. The bags comes off, her eyes struggle to adjust. The attackers carry her and pin her frail body up against a wall. No matter how good of a fight she gave her 120 pound 18 year old body can’t withstand multiple assailants. She is being carried but she can’t tell where. Almost immediately after her legs get swept off the ground. Male, young… maybe in his twenties, her thoughts race. A hand covers her mouth before any chances of yelling for help. Instantly thrashing and resisting against pushes and shoves she fights for her life. She finishes brushing when a bag gets pulled over her head. Gazing in the mirror she notices how long her pencil straight blonde hair has gotten. Grabbing her toothbrush she scrubs every inch of her seemingly perfect smile. White tile lines the floor with a soft green paint decorating the walls. Now warm she goes out the door, down the hall, and through another door trekking the same routine as every other morning. Opening up the sock drawer, reserved for the bottom most shelf, she struggles to find any matching socks in the heap. 2 minutes of searching led to settling for a light blue and light pink sock of the same design the perfect compromise. After a brief pause and a rub in the eyes she makes way to the dresser. She stands up straight as a shadow cast from natural light greets her on the wall in front of her. Her bare feet meet the cold hard wooden floor. Eyes open and sheets shuffle as she stumbles lazily out of bed. Soon sunlight fills the room acting as an alarm clock. She rolls over for some immediate relief from the brightness, but as the Sun creeps its way higher and higher through the sky the light intensifies. Sunshine finds it’s way to a sleepy face. A eager sun peaks it’s head out from the horizon casting its rays on the leafs of patient plants waiting for their days fill.

Girl forced with spider gag blow job