Longitudinal mentorship to medical students.

Providence/Boston CFAR Learning Community Program. Latin American Perspectives on Medical Education Panel.In-school talks, special guest 211 call center. Improving Providence school student’s vaccination rates.Family Medicine Interest Group at Warren Alpert Medical School. 10/2011 The Women’s HIV Health Care Conference.Education on HIV to staff members of CURA and Broadway House. Incidence of Non-Psychotic Psychiatric Diseases of the Axis 1 applying the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview) in students of the INTEC, Santo Domingo. Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in adult patients that assisted the endocrinology consult at the Gomez Patiño Clinic, Santo Domingo. Incidence of abdominal pain associated to Giardiasis in children of school age, Santo Domingo. Incidence of Diabetic Neuropathy, Santo Domingo. Ella es la directora de un Programa de Intercambio entre en Hospital Cabral y Baez en Santiago, Rep Dom y La Universidad de Brown así como también la Directora de un programa para facilitar la adherencia al cuidado de los pacientes con VIH, ICARE en la clínica ambulatoria del Hospital Miriam, Providence, RI. Sanchez siempre ha estado interesada en advocar por el cuidado a las comunidades Latinas y con necesidad de atención por lo que recibió en el 2018 el Premio Mentoría en Diversidad y Equidad (MADE) de la Oficina de Diversidad y Asuntos Multiculturales (ODMA) de la Universidad de Brown. Desde el 2016 ella ha sido Profesora Asistente en la Escuela de Medicina Warren Alpert de la Universidad de Brown.

Luego se especializo en Enfermedades Infecciosas en Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Program, New Jersey. Completó la residencia de Medicina Interna en la Universidad de Mount Sinai en el Englewood Hospital de New Jersey. Ella recibió su Doctorado en Medicina en el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Martha Sanchez es una especialista en la División de Enfermedades Infecciosas en la Universidad de Brown. Sanchez's Clinical and Research interest include the HIV Care Continuum in the US and Dominican Republic, Tropical Medicine. After her fellowship she worked providing HIV, Hepatitis, STI and Tuberculosis care to the underserved community in New Bedford, MA. She subsequently completed her Infectious Disease Fellowship at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Program, Newark, New Jersey. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency in the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey. She earned her Medical School Degree at the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), in the Dominican Republic. She is the Director of the Immunology Center Adherence and Retention Program (ICARE) at The Miriam Hospital and the Director of the Brown University-Santiago, Dominican Republic Exchange Program. On 2018, she received the Mentorship Award in Diversity and Equity (MADE) by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODMA). Dr Sanchez is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University since 2016. Martha Sanchez is an Adult Infectious Diseases Physician at The Miriam Hospital, Rhode Island Hospital and Newport Hospital.